Ukusetshenziswa kokumaka kwe-laser embonini yephakheji yokudla

Ukufakelwa kokudla ikakhulu kufaka phakathi impilo yeshede, usuku lokukhiqiza, inombolo ye-batch yokukhiqiza kanye nokulandela ikhodi enezici ezimbili. These information for food manufacturers, distributors and consumers are very important information, professional coding technology equipment can meet the safety needs of manufacturers and enhance the brand image of manufacturers.
Empilweni yansuku zonke, abathengi, abakhiqizi bokudla kanye nabasabalalisi bazokunaka ukulebula kokudla. Consumers pay attention to food labeling to ensure that they are exposed to food with quality assurance within the shelf life, food manufacturers and distributors pay attention to food labeling to facilitate product management, good food labeling can also help food manufacturers gain brand trust.
Food packaging can also use information such as laser marking, barcode and destination, helping to establish a database system to track product movements in time. Siza abakhiqizi bokudla nabasabalalisi baphathe imikhiqizo yabo ngokwesayensi.
Yini imishini yethu ingayenza embonini yokudla?
Ukumaka kwe-laser kaChuke kunganciphisa futhi abakhiqizi bokudla banciphise izindleko zokukhiqiza. Inqubo yonke yokukhiqiza iluhlaza futhi ingcolile-mahhala, eqinisekisa impilo yabasebenzi bemishini.